Saturday , May 18 2024
Home / The Botanical Guru / Massachusetts Mom Opens Neighbor’s Mail And Steals Pot

Massachusetts Mom Opens Neighbor’s Mail And Steals Pot

The strangest thing happened in Massachusetts recently, a true Comedy of Errors, if I’ve ever seen one. Federal Express delivered 7 pounds of marijuana to a lady in Plymouth, Massachusetts, which would have been cool, except for the fact that it was the wrong address.

Obviously, the 1st error here was mailing marijuana, the 2nd error was delivering the marijuana to the wrong house, the 3rd error was opening someone else’s mail, the 4th error was Fed Ex giving up the address they delivered the pot to, the 5th error was when the intended recipients went to this lady’s house and demanded the package, and then error # 7, the lady refused. Apparently, believing another wrong would make it all right, this lady called the police committing error #8, and then finally to top it off with error # 9, this lady sued Fed Ex and created a public fiasco, drawing even more attention to her and her family. Hopefully it all stops here, but only time will tell.

Bottom line is all this shouldn’t have happened if no one was dumb enough to mail marijuana, but the fact is, marijuana gets mailed every day, illegal or not. Unfortunately as Murphy’s Law dictates, “If anything can go wrong, it will.” In this case we can apply the more extreme version, “If there is a possibility of several things going wrong, the one that will cause the most damage will be the one to go wrong.” This just goes to show you how wound up some people get, all because an innocent little flower was legislated to be illegal, due to no fault of its own.

~ The Botanical Guru