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Federal Bill Introduced Would Reschedule Marijuana

Marijuana Fed Law

Virginia Congressman Morgan Griffith has proposed a bill that would reschedule marijuana on a federal level from a Schedule 1 controlled substance to a Schedule 2, which would in turn allow any states with medical marijuana laws protection from the federal government.

The driving force behind Griffith’s proposed bill comes as a result of Virginia residents choosing to move out of the state in order to seek medical marijuana elsewhere.

The bill named, H.R. 4498, or “the Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act”, and reads that it is intended “To provide for the legitimate use of medicinal marijuana in accordance with the laws of the various states.”

As a Schedule 1 substance, the government claims that there is no medical benefit or value at all in marijuana, and thus by rescheduling the substance to a Schedule 2 substance the federal government would be forced to admit that there are in fact medicinal benefits found in marijuana.

The main purpose of the bill is to enact federal protection for medical marijuana patients to possess, cultivate, and use marijuana without any threat of prosecution.

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